Web Site & Mobile App
Analysis and definition of tasksWhen developing UI / UX design, we meticulously collect information about your project, we find out the target audience and identify possible strategic steps. After a detailed discussion the project determines the optimal site format, design strategy and key tasks
Market researchThe specifics of your business, the situation on the market of your services, or products, as well as the capabilities of competitors. In relation to each project, benchmarking - in-depth analysis of the industry and successful players.
Structural designBased on the purpose of the site and the predetermined tasks, we will design convenient and logical site structure. This "skeleton" will be designed in such a way that control the user's attention and actions in the future.
Rendering a unique designWhen creating website pages, we think very carefully about possible custom scripts, we create many working layouts and prototypes, in detail we draw every detail of the user interface. All visual elements sites that can be drawn are given the utmost attention. No significant item will not be overlooked out of our control.
Deep design on prototypesYou will get a realistic idea of the final product and its design at the initial stage of creation.
Attention to detailsOur team pays close attention to site details that are usually not give values: favicon, 404 page, thank you notes, UI kits and, tips, etc.
Adaptive designThe key to a great display of your site on any device on the Internet.
Best user experienceA team of experienced designers will take care of user loyalty by placing everything in its place. The user does not have to search for anything, everything will be located in a logical sequence. The reward will be a high level of sales.
Target audience targetingOur designers always focus on your target audience. To highlight your image, we apply the following styles - minimalism and classic, business and advanced technologies, retroand vintage, art deco and skeuomorphism, organic and natural, flat and polygonal, etc.

The position of the UI / UX designer in the company is high, because it is he who sets the tone for programmer, showing him the prototype of the future site and where what functionality will be located.
The project manager coordinates the client's wishes described in the brief and the terms of reference with UI / UX designer. The latter plunges into the client's business "headlong". This is the only way to create a site that will be convenient for a potential client. Well, for example, it will be difficult to create functionality website for the provision of visa services, if the designer does not know the entire procedure for obtaining a visa, starting from collected documents and photographs until the deadline. Site functionality should take this “customer journey” into account.
UI design also needs to match the product. Corporate colors and shapes, fonts and icons should all "tell" the customer about the product.
The interface must be selling. Yes, the seller can be not only text and pictures, but also the site interface as a whole. After all, it is he who forms the sales funnel, thanks to which customers stay on the site, use it, order from it, make repeated orders.
By creating UI design in Sofona, we convey the positioning and ideology of the company users, we create a pleasant first impression and prepare the ground for further cooperation.
It is very important for us to convey the right atmosphere and create a strong association with the client's business. Therefore, when starting to develop a UI, we start by communicating with the client and drawing up references, we make a selection of examples of the design of various resources, selected by the designer for the client.
Discussing different examples with the customer helps the designer to better understand his preferences and determine the vector of further work.
a design?
- To assess the cost of the project, we first analyze in detail the wishes of the customer about how the project should turn out at the end, we study its business idea.
- We then analyze the technical requirements and the number of hours required for it. creation, we analyze what kind of prototype the customer needs (schematic or with high detail), whether it is necessary to make an easy redesign of an existing solution or is it better to create a new design from scratch with a new structure of the resource or page.
- Contact us in any convenient way, tell us more about your project, its scale, and our wishes, and we will gladly calculate its cost for you.

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